The GEO Foundation presents its new guide 'Guidelines for the renewal of sustainable golf'

30 October 2023

The GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf has launched a new publication, 'Guidelines for the Renewal of Sustainable Golf', with inspiration, support and examples of course improvements. The publication is aimed at courses and clubs that are at the beginning of their project and are trying to improve efficiency, reduce operating costs, improve their environments, minimize their impact, and better connect them with their community.

Since 1764, when the Old Course at St Andrews was increased from twenty-two to eighteen holes, golf courses have undergone gradual improvements. These adaptations of the course have been carried out to keep pace with the changing nature of the sport, adjusting to ever-increasing swing speeds or changes in the performance of the ball and its ability to cover ever-greater distances.

Today, in addition to a rapidly changing sport, other external forces are influencing golf facilities around the world. Increasing time constraints for people, rising operating costs, a changing climate, pressures and regulations on natural resources, and an increasingly competitive marketplace are collectively driving a new wave of investments and innovations to improve the course.

These factors have led to more facilities investing in advancements, technologies, and upgrades, while also diversifying their golf offerings. As part of the strategic planning of these investments, it is necessary to strengthen the resilience of the facility to these new external pressures.

"We're excited to be able to share the latest examples of industry renovation work in this new publication as inspiration, with guidance and support for facilities at the start of their project. All contemporary golf course improvement projects should foster a stronger drive towards incorporating resilience and innovation into golf courses for the future," says Sam Thomas, Chief Development Officer at the GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf.

"The increasing work we are seeing on field renovation is allowing the industry to highlight the good work being done by architects, engineers and construction companies to build a more stable and sustainable future for courses around the world," adds Thomas.


Jonathan Smith - Chief Executive
GEO Foundation
Tel: +44 (0) 1620 850 659